000 Inches, Baby Quilts for Donation, Charity Work, Christmas, holiday party, Karen's 10

Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild of Rolla Celebrate Christmas and Community Project Challenges

The Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild (PPQG) of Rolla celebrated Christmas and achieving their 2018 Calendar Year Community Project Challenges.  Each year the guild members enjoy working “and playing”; assisting local organizations with donations of pillowcases and baby quilts.

Co-chair Cheri Quick stated close to 600 pillowcases were created for the Russell House; assisting women and children in Rolla and our surrounding counties. Susan Baldwin, co-chair added, “ The staff members were very excited when she dropped off 88 more pillowcases this December. The Staff employees commented that often the children arrive scared or upset. However, when the staff member has them select a pillow case the children find comfort; excited to have their very own new pillow case.”

The Guild strives to donate at least 40- 50 a month (600 a year).  With generous donations of fabric and work day gatherings, producing a variety of pillowcases to donate each month.  A staff member commented, “ The children enjoy the action figure, princess and puppy pillowcases and the moms favor the bright floral print pillow cases.  It always seems to add comfort in a time when they need it the most.”

In addition to the pillowcase project the PPQG “Karen’s 10,000 Inches-Baby Quilt Project” exceeded their goal again this year sewing 18,187 inches in quilts (117 quilts).  Marilyn Fox, chair of Karen’s 10,000 Inches Project, encouraged and held workshops; creating kits; allowing members to take the kits home and produce beautiful, soft and warm baby quilts for four of our area agencies.  Members also donate their own fabric, pattern and ideas; inspiring other members to try a new pattern and join in the community support. PPQG donates baby quilts to the Methodist Women’s Group who in turn make up kits and donate them to the Health Department, Russell House, Rolla Birthright, and Pregnancy Resource Center.  The PPQG has been working together since 1986. Since 2004 they have made and donated 1300 baby quilts.

With almost double the baby quilt goal this year and about 600 pillowcases, the PPQG celebrated their end of year/Christmas meeting happy to meet their goals and looking forward to a successful year in 2019.  The Guild will kick off the new year with a Technique Class on Saturday January 5th, 2019.  The class- Building a Personal Skills and Technique Book, will review and teach the basics as well as teach new skills and improve techniques. Non-members are invited to attend.  The Class for a non-member is $20 and $10 for the book. For more information contact Tina Paris, Vice President Programs at 702-283-4661.

The Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild provides instruction, preserves quilting, supports the community and enjoys fellowship….they welcome guest, new and seasoned quilter;  offering fun, entertainment, classes and workshops.

The guild meets the first Thursday of every month at the First Presbyterian Church, 919 East Tenth St., Rolla. The doors opening at 6:30 Pm…meeting begins at 7PM.   If you cannot make the meeting be sure to Save the Date for their Quilt Show this year. It will be held the first weekend of October.