The name for the organization shall be the Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild.
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and preserve the art of quilting, to instruct members in the techniques of quilting, to share ideas, and to encourage community awareness of quilting.
Section 1. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in quilting.
Section 2. A person may attend two (2) regular meetings of the Guild as a guest. If further attendan6ce is desired, membership is required.
Section 3. Annual dues for adult members shall be $10.00.
Annual dues for junior members up to the age of 16 shall be $5.00. Junior members must have an adult member as a sponsor. The member sponsor will be responsible for the library and workshop privileges of the junior member.
Section 4. Membership in the Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild runs from January 1 to December 31 each year.
Section 5. Membership dues will be collected starting September 1. Members who have not paid their dues by November 15 will be dropped.
Section 1. The General Membership of the guild shall meet monthly.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected by General membership at the September meeting.
Section 3. Members present, in person or virtual, and voting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The officers shall consist of President, Vice-President in Charge of Membership, and Vice- President in Charge of Programs, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board Member-at-Large, hereinafter, referred to as Executive Committee.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected for a term of one year beginning January 1 and ending December 31. Officers may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 3. Duties of the Officers
A. The President shall:
1. Preside at all General Membership, Board and Executive Committee meetings.
2. Appoint all committee chairpersons, identified as Standing Committees.
3. Appoint all committees for6 specific purposes with a specified deadline, identified as Special Committees.
4. Conduct an annual review of the Guild by-laws.
5. Oversee the budget with treasurer.
B. The Vice-President in Charge of Membership shall:
1. Preside over the meetings in the absence of or at the request of the President.
2. Act as hostess at General Membership meetings, i.e. greeting visitors, supplying guest book.
3. Receive membership applications and dues and submit all collected dues to the treasurer.
4. Supply each member a signed membership card and Guild Year Book.
5. Maintain a current list of members, their addresses and contact information for Guild communication purposes.
6. Distribute Year Books.
C. The Vice-President in Charge of Programs shall:
1. Book programs and workshops for a maximum of 16 months. Set dates, times and book places for workshops.
2. Appoint member to take reservations and payments for workshops.
3. Preside over programs and workshops during her term or designate a member to do so in his or her absence.
4. Any advance bookings, beyond the 16 months, shall be presented to the board for approval.
D. The Secretary shall:
1. Compile minutes for all General Membership and Board meetings, present the minutes of the previous meeting at each General Membership meeting for membership approval, and provide a copy for the President.
2. Maintain the permanent official records of minutes and correspondence of the guild.
3. Conduct all guild correspondence and condolences.
4. Coordinate with the Public Relations Chair to publicize General Membership meetings, programs and workshops.
E. The Treasurer shall:
1. Chair the Budget Committee, which will consist of retiring President, retiring Treasurer, new President, and new Treasurer.
2. With the Budget committee, prepare an annual budget to be discussed at the October joint board meeting and presented at the November General Membership meeting for membership approval.
3. Be responsible for all dues and funds of the organization, maintain an accurate record of all income and expenditures, and maintain the permanent financial records of the Guild.
4. Oversee budget with the President.
5. Present a monthly financial report at each General Membership meeting.
F. The Board Member-at-Large shall:
1. Present a slate of nominees for office at the August General Membership meeting.
2. Conduct “Show and Tell” at the General Membership meetings.
Section 4. The Board of Directors
1. Shall consist of the Executive Board, six (6) elected officers (Art IV, Sec 1), and the chairpersons of the Standing Committees (Art VII, Sec. 1) and meet at the call of the President at least quarterly.
2. Votes shall come from each elected officer and one vote by the chair of each Standing committee.
3. Shall hold a combined board meeting in October with both retiring and new boards present in order to form a new budget and pass information and materials to the new officers and committee chairs.
4. Officers and standing committee chairs may serve no more than four (4) consecutive terms on the Board of Directors.
5. Each member shall have one vote, excluding the President who will only vote in the event of a tie.
Section 5. The Executive Committee
1. Shall consist of the six (6) elected officers (Art. V, Sec. 1) and have the power of the Board of 2. Directors between meetings provided there is a quorum of four (4) present.
3. May meet for emergency business only and must inform the Board of Directors of actions taken within ten (10) days. Minutes of these meetings shall be incorporated into the minutes of the following Board Meeting.
Section 1. A slate of nominated officers shall be presented by the Board Member-at-large no later than the August General Membership meeting. Additional nominations may made from the floor, providing the consent of the nominees has been obtained.
Section 2. The officer shall have elected and presented at the September General Membership meeting. Section 3. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President with approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Standing Committee, a committee that is ongoing and serves the entire year, shall include Historian, Librarian, Quilt Show Chair, Karen’s 10,000 inches, Quilt Rack Chair and Public Relations Chair.
Section 2. Standing Committee Responsibilities
A. Historian shall:
1. Compile a scrapbook of activities for the Guild year including photos of “Show and Tell”, programs, workshops, shows, etc.
B. Librarian shall:
1. Store and maintain all guild reference materials and equipment, conduct all library business, and maintain a record of circulation.
2. Give a review of new materials at General Membership meetings.
3. Submit purchase recommendations for new materials and equipment, based on membership input, to the President.
4. Conduct an annual inventory of the library.
C. Quilt Show chair with co-chair shall:
1. Appoint chairpersons for required sub-committees.
2. Plan, advertise, and preside over a display of quilted items, and solicit appropriate vendors, activities and attractions. NOTE: All members should plan to participate in this effort.
3. Appoint chairpersons for required sub-committees.
D. Quilt Rack Chair shall:
1. See that Racks are stored in Storage Unit.
2. Publicize information about Rack Rental.
3. Oversee checking out and checking in Racks for Rental with contract.
F. Public Relations shall:
1. Work with the Secretary to provide information, via website, Facebook and newspaper in cooperation with officers and committee chairs.
Section 3. Special Committees
Special committees are those appointed by the President for a specific purpose with a specific deadline.
The following are examples of Special Committees but not bound or limited to these:
A. Karen’s 10,000 Inches Chairperson shall:
1. Encourage membership to construct and donate quilts to Karen’s 10,000 Inches.
2. Collect donated quilts.
3. Distribute to Rolla organizations.
B. Special Projects Chair shall:
1.Plans a gift of quilt blocks for a retiring President.
2. Selects pattern and colors and distributes the information to guild members. Participation is optional.
3. Completes other projects at the direction of the President and Board of Directors. These may include blocks for members moving away, having a baby, or getting married.
C. Website/Facebook shall:
1. Provide information about Guild on internet.
D. Raffle Quilt Construction Chair shall:
1. Provide leadership in construction of Raffle Quilt.
E. Winter Challenge Chair shall:
1. Submit small challenge quilt to guild due at March meeting. Challenge quilts will be on display at Rolla Public Library for one month (March) and other venue.
F. Guild Year Book Chair shall:
1. Compile a yearbook consisting of guild history, by-laws, guidelines, membership, programs, workshops, etc. Also confirm current member information.
G. National Quilt Day Baby Quilt Chair shall:
1. Construct and present baby quilt to first baby born on National Quilt Day (or closest to) at Phelps County Regional Medical Center.
H. Russell House Pillowcase Chair shall:
1. Collect constructed pillowcases and deliver to Russell House.
Section 4. Each Committee, Standing or Special, must:
1. Report its activities at General Membership meetings and to the newsletter chair.
2. Submit all revenue and receipts for expenditures to the treasurer, within budget limitations.
3. Submit an annual budget to the Treasurer no later than September 30.
Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 thru December 31.
Section 2. A budget shall be adopted annually at the November General Membership meeting.
Section 3. The books and records of the Treasurer shall be examined annually by a committee appointed by the President.
Section 4. Silent Auction:
All proceeds from the Silent Auction held at the Quilt Show will be designated for use for speakers and costs related to programs.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority not covered in these by-laws.
These by-laws may be amended at a regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the General Membership present, provided that the amendment has been presented at the previous meeting or mailed to the General Membership ten days before the meeting.
The guild currently participates in the following community projects:
1. Karen’s 10,000 inches – Constructing quilts of any size to be donated to Rolla organizations.
2. Presenting a small quilt show at the Rolla Public Library in March and other venue.
3. Constructing and presenting a quilt to the first born at Phelps County Regional Medical Center on National Quilt Day in March.
4. Making pillowcases for Russell House.
5. Requests for guild participation in a community project shall be submitted in writing to Board of Directors for consideration and include cost and time involved.
6. Offer a beginner’s class at no charge.
If there is a death in the family of one of our members, the Secretary and the President should be notified so a sympathy card can be sent, and other Guild members may be notified.
The Secretary will send a sympathy card and will be reimbursed through the guild.
The guild does not send flowers
Each year the Guild donates quilt-related instructional material to the Rolla Public Library in the form of a book, video, or periodical. The Guild also donates $100 annually to The American Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
Only paid members may borrow library materials/equipment.
Material may be borrowed for one month and returned at the next meeting. If an extension is desired, leave the item with the librarian during the meeting. If no one wants to borrow the item, you are welcome to take it for one more month.
A member holding overdue library book(s) will be reminded to return the book(s) the first month overdue and asked to pay for the book(s) after two months overdue.
The purchase of new library materials will be approved by the Board of Directors.
Tuition for workshops is due upon registration for the workshop and is non-refundable. The Program Chair will consider emergencies and may allow tuition to be transferred to another workshop.
Guild members who teach a workshop will be reimbursed for expenses and have the right to set their own fees.
Non-member sign-ups accepted 2 months before workshop.
The Guild Year Book is printed in December and distributed to each member at the January meeting. If additional copies are desired, they can be obtained from the Vice-President- Membership for $5 each.
Guild members may pay a fee to have the Year Book mailed to them.